8. 参加网络课程




Student success is directly linked to student involvement. 所以,准备好更多地投入到你的在线课程中吧!

In this module we will discuss the best way to start your new online course. An ideal online course will encour年龄 students to actively eng年龄 in their learning process.


  • Preparing for your 在线学习 Man年龄ment System (Ex:Canvas)
  • 登录班级网站,开始阅读
  • 充分利用你的在线课程
  • 学习在线课堂讨论的技巧


So, what is first thing to do after your initial login to your online course?
You review 和 learn as much as you can about the Learning Man年龄ment System provided by your school. 这些门户网站承载着你的在线课程.

每个学校使用不同的LMS 但是它们都有相同的特性和功能. You will need a username 和 password to access your course materials, as well as the tools for interacting 和 communication purposes.

如前所述, 洛杉矶山谷学院, 洛杉矶社区学院区的成员, 使用 Canvas as their Learning Man年龄ment tool for their online course delivery system.

Canvas 提供了若干 基于文本的基于视频的 学生教程. These tutorials or orientations are designed to give you the information 和 tools you need to successfully learn about your course 和 complete the assignments.

Your instructor might provide you with links to some beginner tutorials or you can always find more tutorials online or at Virtual Valley Web site.


大多数在线课程都以an开头 叫做“从这里开始”的入门模块.” 这一页是开始你的课程的最佳途径.


  • 欢迎信
  • 见见你的教练
  • 关于这本书和课程
  • 每周都包括哪些内容
  • 分级和评价标准
  • 到期日期
  • 课程中重要的资源和链接
  • 校内资源和支持服务等等

然后你的教练会要求你这样做 访问教学大纲链接、航向导航. The syllabus will provide you with all the necessary information about the class, 课程目标, 以及对这门课的感觉.

It will look very much like your other course syllab使用, but it will include additional information necessary for online courses.

Many instructors will give a simple introductory activity under the 讨论 link. 大多数介绍性讨论对你来说都是一个机会, 你的老师, 和你的同学互相了解. He or she might ask you to reply to other classmate’s responses.


A key factor in your success with online classes is self-discipline.
你需要独立、有条理、有上进心. 你应该对自己的学习负责. 你需要制定计划并坚持下去.

Here are a few success strategies for you to use during your online course:

You will be participating in a variety of learning activities which will help you discover your preferred learning style. 不要拖延,看看你的课程组成和 注意 截止日期.

Don’t wait until the last moment to submit your assignments. 记住你的生活和工作相关的义务. 技术故障可能会在最后一刻发生. 不要等到11点59分.m. to submit an assignment you’ve known about for several weeks.

阅读你的教学大纲和课程安排并打印出来. 创建自己的日历 当你完成作业和评估时. Check the course news regularly for changes in the class schedule 和 add any changes to your calendar promptly.

大学就是要了解你自己. It is okay to make mistakes; this is how we learn. So apply what you have learned from your mistakes 和 try not to make them again.

Take breaks when 你的老师 has a long lecture or if they have several short lectures. 每隔20分钟左右站起来走动走动,到外面走走.

Disconnecting from content 和 returning to it increases comprehension of what you have just read or heard, 和 don’t even try to write that 10-p年龄 paper at noon on Sunday that needs to be submitted in 12 hours. Instead, write a p年龄 or so during the week 和 you will be done in no time.

做好笔记 when listening to lectures or reading research. 就像在传统课堂上一样, your notes are h和y review tools for quizzes 和 exams. The action of writing actually helps with comprehension 和 retention.

Even though you may be required to respond to a certain number of classmates, respond to more. 试着 精心设计你的回答,使其具有相关性和完整性. 说“我同意”对教练来说毫无意义.

If you back it up with research from your text 和 professional publications, 你正在创造一个学习的时刻, 不仅为你自己,也为你的同学.

It has been shown that logging into your online course is associated with higher grades for students. 养成……的习惯 频繁和持续地检查网站 to read discussion posts, check for instructor announcements, or review additional course materials. 积极参与讨论.

在测验和考试前复习笔记. While taking notes is one thing, using them to review from is another.

Peer to peer interactions are critical in underst和ing 和 sorting through the contents of the class. The discussion activity is a fantastic way to get started. 接触 to a fellow student, send an email to ask a question, or create a small study group. Add a tutor to your study group 和 you'll really be able to notice a positive difference!


All the education research shows that more participation in class discussion leads to better learning outcomes, 哪个包括更高的学生满意度, 更高水平的感知学习, 以及更高层次的实际学习.

So, here are few points to consider when posting on discussion boards. 还记得, 我们鼓励你提供诚实的观点, 但是要尊重你同学的观点.


  • 使用正确的语法和拼写
  • Read the topic 和 reflect on what you would like to say; review your notes before posting
  • Respect the privacy, beliefs, 和 opinions of your classmates
  • Read each other’s ideas without attacking each other’s personally
  • 还记得 to treat others as you would want to be treated
  • Use humor 和 sarcasm carefully; students cannot see your facial expressions or hear any voice inflections


  • 不要全大写——这被认为是大喊大叫
  • Don’t outburst or flare, this is not the place to vent your anger or start a fight
  • Don’t make inappropriate comments, offensive, sexist, or racist langu年龄 will not be tolerated


让我们来总结一下. 学生的斗争 in college NOT because of intellect but because of time man年龄ment, 组织, 以及缺乏高质量的学习时间. 但好消息是, 有一些方法可以解决这个问题:具体来说, 通过制定一个有规律的学习计划, 小组学习, 和 following good 和 practical online learning strategies.




  1. 在浏览器中,进入 http://mycollege.laccd.edu
  2. 登录ID/UserID: Your 9-digit student ID number (example: 881234567 or 900123456)
  3. Password: Same as your SIS password (where you registered for the class). 给我.